Cloud Whispers &
Four Leaf Clover
Dawn Williams BSc/BEd
Over a decade ago, I was working as a Pension Consultant in a 9 to 5 job. Although I had a fantastic career, I felt a deep longing to quit and spend more quality time with my young children. I was searching for meaning & connection.
Just weeks after making this decision, my eleven year old son was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer. After a brutal and heart wrenching couple of years, my beautiful boy died at the tender age of fourteen.

"This traumatic event acted as a catalyst for inner transformation. Searching for my son, desperate to connect with his spirit, I never could have imagined what happened next."

Every day miracles were revealed to guide me in profound ways.
Doors of expansion, healing, "whole"-ing, inspiration, creativity, guidance and direction opened together with the knowledge that we are all infinitely connected and inherently loved.
I began "Seeing Miracles" in clouds and trees using nature as an Oracle for the Divine Source.


Photo: One of many cloud messages I have received over the years. This one resembles angel wings in the sky.

So you want to be a Cloud Whisperer?

It's a fun and magical way to open to Divine guidance. It has rocked my world & opened up my own intuitive gifts. I want this for you too. Download my simple process & start chatting with clouds today!


Four and five leaf clover hold a very special place in my heart; they are the original inspiration for this website's name. After Noah's death, we were left with a deep, aching void. Gradually, miraculous signs appeared to assuage our heart-broken souls. Messages from Noah abounded, letting us know he was still actively guiding us - only now from another REALM.
One of our most amazing messages arose from our chinch bug devastated lawn. In a last ditch attempt to restore the dying lawn without pesticides, we planted clover as a more durable ground cover.
The lawn became a parable of our existence:  ravaged and destroyed by pestilence. Then something amazing happened! As the clover began to take root, we found unexpected treasure. Four and five leaf clover began to appear. Not just one or two but one hundred plus (I stopped counting). You can read about it in Woman's World

"I became attuned as Reiki Master/Teacher in 2018 & jumped into exploring the multi facets of energy healing. I've been fortunate to take online deep dives in distant healing sessions with luminaries such as Cyndi Dale (International Bestselling Author & Energy Healer), Amelia Vogler (Grounding Expert) and Dr. Melanie Smith (Chinese Medicine Practitioner/Eden Energy Medicine/Vagus Nerve Protocols)."
Today, my life is completely changed after the tragic loss of my son and although I will never stop missing him in the physical realms, I have found peace.
Reiki + Synergistic Resonance has changed my world from one of deep suffering to an ability to merge joy, wonder, awe, fulfillment and peace with the reality of personal tragedy.
And that's what I want to share with you: the possibility of deep grounded connection to the ineffable source that moves through all creation and loves you no matter what 'happens' to you.
In this place of deep belonging doors of healing open to create new realms of possibilities & transformation.


"Highly attuned to Spirit, Dawn holds a profoundly safe space for healing. She anchors calm and tunes in with the focus of an eagle, asking just the right questions, moving energy and allowing the shift to take place. I came away from the session with clarity and lightness."

Christina Kennedy | USA

Ask Dawn How Reiki+SR Can Support You Right Now

Free 20 Minute Call for New Clients


"Dawn's gift to me has been an awakening & healing of my spirit in ways I have never before experienced or thought possible."

Melanie Ring | NS | CA


"This session opened an energetic portal that allowed for complete healing of chronic hip pain."

Amy Dempster | Montana | US


"Dawn has a gift for teaching and energy work. Her lessons and visualizations are life changing. Still, every day, I am experiencing new feelings of empowerment as I leave this workshop!"

Kristi D | San Diego USA

"Thank you so very much for your teachings and support and also some incredible wisdom and insight. It was very profound on so many levels. So much came up to be released and renewed and I am learning to take it one step at a time."
-Divya R | Bethesda | US

Insights from her private Long Distance
Reiki Master Training



Reiki Certifications:
  • Jikiden Reiki Shoden & Okuden [Gabrielle Gietzen, Dai Shihan of the Jikiden Reiki Insititute Kyoto, Japan Feb/March 2023]
  • Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Method of Natural Healing [Jo-Anne Cusack Feb 2018]
Energy Healing Certifications:
  • Certified Four Pathways Professional ~ Cyndi Dale's Energy Healing Certification Program with the Shift Network [August 2022-October 2023]
  • Cyndi Dale's Radical Energy Healing: Aligning with the Divine Pathway to Access your Soul's Transformative Powers [April/May 2022]
  • Cyndi Dale's Expand Your Healing Powers with the Preeminent Energy Medicine Toolkit: Access the Essential Power Pathway & Supernatural Forces for Extraordinary Mind-Body-Spirit Transformations. 4 month workshop. [Nov-Feb 2022]
  • Dr. Melanie Smith's Tap Into Your Vagus Nerve's Healing Power to Rewire Your Nervous System for Optimal Health 7 Week Program [Aug/Sept 2021]
  • Amelia Vogler's Distance Healing 1: One-on-One Consultations with 10 hours of training in Spiritual and Energetic Development [July 2021]
  • Cyndi Dale's Advanced Radical Energy Medicine, 4 Month Training [November 2020 to February 2021]
  • Munay Ki Earth Keeper Rites [Jan/Feb 2019]
  • Bachelor of Education & Bachelor of Science (Math) 


The Incredible Nature of Tree-ing

Free eBOOK
How does the Living World Support Healing & Abundance? This little gem will show you how by connecting tree spirits, intuitive story & earthy miracles with energy based protocols.
In this thirteen page e-book, you learn energetic exercises inspired by nature to ground and centre. These pure, sweet practices will appeal to tree lovers, cloud whisperers and anyone who feels a deep kinship with nature.


Testimonials on this website are representative of best case scenarios, illustrating limitless potential of Reiki+SR and Energy Healing in general. Potential results reside within you. We make no Promises and we make no Guarantees with respect to results for all services/products/memberships offered. Reiki+SR is a complimentary form of energy work but is not a substitute for any type of medical treatment. Always consult with your medical (or otherwise) practitioner/therapist/expert.

Copyright Dawn Williams 2017-2024. All rights reserved. All images and text copyright to Dawn Williams and/or 4leaf4life Reiki+Synergistic Resonance and may not be reproduced in any way.

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