Please use the Contact Form below for any questions you may have.
Payment options, terms of service plus availability are shown for each offering under the  'Book a Session' tab above.
If you are enquiring about In Person Reiki Sessions, please include the name of the person who referred you to my services.  I only answer session enquiries where the referral name is included.
I look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible.
~Dawn Williams BEd | BSc
Reiki Master/Teacher | Energy Synergist | Writer

Dawn's Intuition Booster helps you tap into a flow of expanded 'knowing' and listen to higher guidance using her Soul Star Symbol Template and Guide. Get started right now!
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Testimonials on this website are representative of best case scenarios, illustrating limitless potential of Reiki+SR and Energy Healing in general. Potential results reside within you. There are no GUARANTEES. Reiki+SR is a complimentary form of energy work but is not a substitute for any type of medical treatment. Always consult with your medical (or otherwise) practitioner/therapist/expert.

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